SourceFormatX的客戶評價 |
處于業界領先地位的 SourceFormatX 旨在為開發團隊提供統一的原始碼風格,幫助開發人員快速解決開發中存在的實際問題,協助案件負責人和開發人員更加規則地統一團隊原始碼風格,提高團隊作業效率,保證軟體開發進度,控制軟體開發品質。
全世界有超過 500 家軟體公司企業正在使用 SourceFormatX 原始碼美化工具。這些公司涉及軟體開發、網路通信、網站設計、電子機械、學校和其它IT教育培訓機構等等各種行業,他們使用 SourceFormatX 來提高團隊協同作業效率、發布程式碼風格統一的商業原始碼、搜尋錯誤並使員工能夠集中精力專注于撰寫原始碼。這些來自全球的客戶是 SourceFormatX 品質的最好證明。
SourceFormatX 的用戶評價
SourceFormatX is about 99% of what I am looking for in this type of software and the interface is terrific! You have done a magnificent job and I will certainly tell others about your product. You may also include me on any future product announcements you have.
- William Phinizy (美國)
Your software is nothing but wonderful! Great job! (From one of many happy users)
- Hiroshi Nishimura (日本)
I have spent most of my 20 years managing development teams for the fortune 500. Your tool is the only one I have found that meets the needs of our team. This is a great help since we use a fair number of these to gain cross system portability.
- Joseph Ellsworth (美國)
Thanks for the effort! As I mentioned earlier, SourceFormatX is saving us a lot of time as we convert some ancient code to run under Windows XP.
- Gregor Brandt (加拿大)
Brilliant! Thank you for writing SourceFormatX! I am very pleased with it. It's cool!
- Sébastien Philippot (法國)
First off, thanks for SourceFormatX! It's saving me a bunch of time.
- Bruce Bayer (德國)
Your program does an excellent job of formatting the code, and I would very much like to be able to use it for my work.
- Joel Finch (英國)
Congratulations, SourceFormatX is helping us very much. Nice thing to have!
- Michael Gabor (美國)
I would like to say what a superb product you have written and that your support and help is excellent. I am very, very impressed.
- Heiner Nieuwenhuis (德國)
I really like SourceFormatX, just what I need to standardize the code in my development teams.
- Philippe O'Rourke (美國)
We just love SourceFormatX! It has really solved a lot of our problems.
- Dean Scott (英國)
I got the license file and formatted all the projects i had downloaded from Internet immediately, the only thing i want to say is 'It's Great!'...
- Hankan Nilsson (瑞典)
Thanks so much for SourceFormatX. I've just recently discovered it and it's wonderful!
- Joseph Moriah (以色列)
I buyed license, SourceFormatX is superb application!!!!!!! How can I become beta-tester of new version?...
- Lukasz Chojnowski (波蘭)
Thanks so much for the prompt response, and for the outstanding support. I found your SourceFormatX to be a very nice product, your team should be proud of itself!
- Radhakrishnan Jivani (印度)
I am so happy that I found your cool product - SourceFormatX!.
- Kwon Kyoung Lee (韓國)
I downloaded SourceFormatX from Tucows, and currently evaluating it... I think it's a very useful tool...
- Carlos Romero (西班牙)
I've been using SourceFormatX regularly and now can't live without it. It's a very useful and super tool for programmers...
- Cheng Chun Kuo (台灣)
- 吳京華 (中國)
SourceFormatX 美化原始碼效果演示
看看 SourceFormatX 是怎麼美化原始碼風格的。事實勝于雄辯。
SourceFormatX 的主要功能
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